Another unreconstructed loudmouth
Spewing venomous vituperations.
Eyes glazed, mouth frothing,
Mind strangled with rancor.
They pretend to look away,
Another inconvenient car wreck
To ignore, metastasizing,
Contempt the agenda.
Another unreconstructed loudmouth
Spewing venomous vituperations.
Eyes glazed, mouth frothing,
Mind strangled with rancor.
They pretend to look away,
Another inconvenient car wreck
To ignore, metastasizing,
Contempt the agenda.
Stress, stress,
Everybody feels it.
Stress, stress,
Everybody hates it.
Stress, stress,
Everybody talks about it.
Stress, stress,
Everybody perpetuates it.
Stress, stress,
A lovely pastime.
Stress, stress,
What else would we talk about?
Stress, stress.
Every imaginable
Foible flawlessly
Executed with supreme
Cockiness, unbridled ego,
Shocking lack of insight,
Appalling hubris.
Condemn millions to
Painful lives.
Sleep like a baby,
In luxury,
Every single night.
Pang of conscience?
Start a bogus
Charity event.
Mind racing, head breaking,
Trying to find an answer,
Any answer. Programmed to
Believe in anything but me,
Directed to forego self.
Don’t trust yourself. Keep it to
Yourself. You don’t really matter.
Only we matter. Voices of reason
Tying my hands and muffling my
Being. Not myself.
Mind racing, head breaking.
Trying to find an answer,
My answer, unadulterated.
Trying to fit in,
Appeasing their
Young women
Parading around in
Outlandish, tacky
Versions of the
Garb of their
Spirit broken
A sham display of
Civic pride,
Gaudy cartoon,
I thought I couldn’t do it and
I didn’t. I told myself I wasn’t
Good enough and it came true.
I didn’t take a risk and stayed
Stuck to my couch.
Wishing things were different.
Hoping things would change.
No breaks coming my way.
I saw a bird land on a branch.
He paused, cleaned his feathers and
Flew without a thought.
Keep them out.
Our nation isn’t what
It used to be.
Didn’t have to
Mingle with
Unfamiliar people.
Look, talk, believe the same.
Diversity what?
Didn’t have to
Bother with complex
Issues like indigence,
Unfairness, compassion,
Sharing resources.
One planet, no borders what?
Keep that dishwasher out.
Destroying the
Very fabric of our
Toxic society.