Guy Farmer

Disquiet - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition


How safe I feel until it appears:
Lashing, shoving, upsetting
My calm certitude. Rattling,
Confusing, shaking the walls of
My nerves. Look around and wait
In tense anticipation for tranquility to
Return. Try in vain to disregard the
Haphazard din, continuous thrusts.
Calm arrives, disquiet remains.

You can support my work, because poetry matters.

Pandering - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition


Impenetrable block,
Reason need not apply,
Dysfunction supreme.

Pandering to bullies,
Ripping lunch money away
From the weak kids.

Cavalierly upending the table,
Food flying everywhere,
Nobody was hungry anyway.

Disrobe and drive home to
Plastic families,
Untreated pathologies.

You can support my work, because poetry matters.

Who Matters - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition

Who Matters

The rage arising
From not having a voice,
Being denied the
Dignity of sharing
What’s on one’s mind,
Participating as an equal
In the conversation,
Listened to,
Treated as someone
Who matters.

You can support my work, because poetry matters.

Singular - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition


One thousand times he tried and
One thousand times he was denied.
The one thousandth and first attempt
Someone finally saw what everyone
Else had missed. The singular genius
Flowing from his heart, discovered by
Exactly the person who could see it.

Bastion - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition


As if their circumstances
Were caused by some
Deficiency of character,
Some cultural proclivity
Leading to destitution.

Latent hatred masquerading
As fact, blanket statements
Smothering the light,
Assumptions based on
Equivocation, obfuscation.

Keeping them in their place,
Where they belong,
Away from us in our
Bastion of cowardice.

Unrecognized - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition


Why is it that everyone in my
Office works so hard on being
So rude? Would it be so difficult
For people to be nice instead of
Condescending and snide?

What is the allure of creating chaos and
Disturbance when peace and balance are
Viable options? People walk around with
Their inner processes on their sleeves,
Working out their issues on each other.
I remain silent, unrecognized.

Scarred - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition


Cold indifference
Permeates the minds of legislators
Posing as conviction.
An insidious malady
Steeped in pain, fear, enmity,
Driving compassion away,
Replacing it with punishing policies
Harming hard-working citizens
Whose only mistake is
Lack of power.
Intense suspicion of government
Spawns initiatives
Gutting vital services
Leaving a desolate landscape,
A walled-in mansion surrounded
By a scarred wasteland.
Destitute souls walk aimlessly
Across the bleak landscape
For someone else’s anxieties.

In Control - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition

In Control

Don’t do this, don’t do that.
Don’t you listen? Do it like this.
How many times do I have to
Repeat myself? I’m getting tired of
Always having to show you
How to do this. Don’t you
Get it? Don’t you have any
Common sense?

There’s a right way to do things.
I know what’s right for you.
I am the law. I’m doing it because
I love you. I know the way.
I’m just trying to help you avoid the
Mistakes I made. Do as I say, not
As I do. I’m the one in control here.

Résumé - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition


Never having been
In an inferior position,
He pontificates at length
About success, hard work,
Bootstraps, freedom.

Money earned through
Mettle, tenacity, inheritance.
Not a single day of struggle
In his résumé.
Martini swirling in pristine glass.

A study in self-gratification,
Narcissistic dullard,
Seeking validation only for himself,
A broken shell of unfeeling

Who - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition


So she listened to what everyone said and
Found herself no closer to happiness than
When she started. Something missing,
Fleeting motivation, satisfaction absent.
A gift she didn’t want, need, appreciate.

Taking a quiet walk along a small stream,
Ideas make their appearance.
Not that one, not this one, what will people think.
Stop. Listen to the only one who matters,
Who knows you, who can decide.

Poetry by Guy Farmer