Minimalist Free Verse Poems about the Human Condition

School Choice - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition

School Choice

If you had to
Come up with a
Highly effective, and
Fiendishly surreptitious,
Way to destroy
Democracy and make sure
All the money goes
To you and your
Affluent friends, you could,
I suppose, do it by force,
Which leaves a lot of
Bodies and resentment behind,
Or you could gradually
Starve public education,
Perhaps even siphon off
Its funding to other
So-called schools,
To make sure that
The general populace
Gradually, without noticing,
Loses its ability to
Think critically,
Discern what’s really
Happening around them, and
Separate fact from fiction.
The more you weaken
People’s ability to reason,
The sooner you can
Buy another yacht,
Plus you can
Sit back and have
A nice laugh as
People who have far
Less means than you
Passionately defend
What you’ve cleverly
Termed School Choice,
Freedom always sells.

You can support my work, because poetry matters.

Those Days - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition

Those Days

Don’t worry ma’am,
It’s just a formality.
What was that?
Oh, yes, it’s a new
Policy, the bill just
Passed in the last
Session. I know,
It’s an inconvenience,
But it’s just the rules.
Everyone has to have
Some kind of identification
To vote. Oh no,
Not at all,
This is nothing like
Those days.
Will that be all?

You can support my work, because poetry matters.

Same Answer - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition

Same Answer

She stares at the
Shifting, fuzzy image
Of her husband and
Tells him all the
Mundane but grounding
News about what’s going
On at home, the children
Take turns saying hello,
Too young to realize
What’s really going on.
She asks once again
When he’ll be home and
Gets the same answer.
They sign off with a
Kiss, fingers on
The screen, bit players
In the latest conflict
Lining the pockets of
The usual opportunists.

You can support my work, because poetry matters.

Never Considered - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition

Never Considered

I can’t say that
I ever thought he’d
Be the same as me
But I must admit that
I never considered
The possibility that
He felt nothing inside,
An animated creature
That behaves only
According to its latest
Whim, whatever it desires
At that particular moment,
With no regard for
Anyone who might be
In the vicinity.

Assemblage - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition


An assemblage of
Caring individuals.
Moms, dads, children,
Brothers, sisters,
Grandmothers, grandfathers,
Aunts, uncles, cousins,
Friends, trades people,
Professors, teachers,
Business owners,
Students, factory workers,
Truckers, public employees,
Pilots, retail workers,
Writers, artists;
Representatives from
Every slice of life,
March down the street
Standing up for the vast
Majority of the citizenry,
An earnest call for greater
Equality, opportunity.
From windows above,
They nudge each other,
Laugh, and shout,
“Get a job!”

In Reality - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition

In Reality

They no longer talk,
And he concocts
A story that makes
Him look like he
Has no part in the
Conflict when he,
In reality, bears
The brunt of all
His relationship
Failures, a reality
He can’t escape
No matter how hard
He tries.

Without Explanation - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition

Without Explanation

He grew up on the
Side of town where
Crumbling dwellings
Were interspersed with
Warehouses and junkyards.

Walking in neighborhoods
Where orderly houses and
Manicured lawns gleamed,
He felt watched;
An object of suspicion.

Someone once alerted the
Police chief to his presence,
That he was surely up to no good.
He spent two days in jail,
Released without explanation.

Jagged Lines - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition

Jagged Lines

It’s hard to describe
Why he’s so scary,
Something about the
Way he never smiles or
The dead certainty
Of his words,
All jagged lines,
As if nobody ever said
A kind word to him
When it would have
Made a difference.

Before Long - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition

Before Long

A lovely family of
Birds arrives to
Enjoy the season.
Chattering cheerfully,
Snacking on blossoms,
Socializing enthusiastically,
Brimming with life.
Optimistic games played
Amidst the branches,
Passing days enjoyed
To their fullest.
Before long they leave,
The passing of time,
Fleeting, evanescent.

Alcohol and Amusements - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition

Alcohol and Amusements

Don’t worry
About a thing.

We’ve got it
Under control.

No need to
Think about anything.

Sit down,

Enjoy some numbing
Alcohol and amusements.


If that doesn’t work,
We’ll impose martial law.

Poetry by Guy Farmer