Minimalist Free Verse Poems about the Human Condition

Comfortable Routine - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition

Comfortable Routine

It crept up on me.
I didn’t realize how attached
I was to my original idea or
How hard it would be to
Reshape my conception now
Rendered meaningless.
An unsolicited shattering of
Comfortable routine,
Shaking me awake,
Reminding me there is
A lot of work left to do.

You can support my work, because poetry matters.

Little Lady - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition

Little Lady

Such a beautiful
Baby girl.

Let’s teach her how to be
A little lady.

Let’s fill her with
Fear and self-loathing.

Let’s tell her that
She should answer to men.

Let’s advise her not to trust
Her own voice.

Let’s encourage her to
Do our bidding.

Let’s rejoice as she
Defends her oppressors.

You can support my work, because poetry matters.

Unbothered - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition


Ah, it would be great
If we could go back to
Those heady days when
We ran filthy factories
Attracting myriad mendicants
Applying for menial jobs.
So invigorating when
We could do whatever we
Wanted to do, unbothered.
Stripping people of their dignity,
Paying them nothing for it
While our assistants wheeled
Carts of cash to the bank and
We sat by the pool smoking
Imported cigars and
Sipping fine whiskey.
One can only hope.

You can support my work, because poetry matters.

False Equivalence - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition

False Equivalence

They say they’re all the same.
Throw them all out,
They’re all on the take,
Except that some of them
Want everyone to be
Treated with compassion and
Others don’t.
Some want to help the
Poor succeed and
Others don’t.
Some want to level
The playing field and
Others don’t.
Some want everyone
To have access to health care and
Others don’t.
Some want equal rights for all and
Others don’t.
A cursory look reveals
Both sides aren’t the same
At all, but the trope lives on,
Just as those who benefit
From false equivalence and
Confusion want it to.

Austerity - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition


A brilliant idea,
Saving the economy
By decimating essential
Programs, rendering
Millions destitute while
Pouring money into
The coffers of those
Who least need it.

A pall of austerity
Sucks the air out of
The unfortunate many,
Invigorating not the
Economy but fattening
The top percentile
Feasting on pheasant
Hunted on the estate.

Couch - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition


Not much money
Coming in these days,
Bob got laid off and
My warehouse hours
Are still part-time.

We had to move recently,
Needed some furniture
For this place,
It’s not much but
It’s home for now.

This couch here,
Found it at a place
Where we can pay
A little each week and
Buy it over time.

Formative - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition


Bruised during the most
Important formative years,
She grew up to crave power,
Dominance, control over others.

Routinely battered
Throughout her upbringing,
She flowered into a beautiful
Champion of the meek.

What We've Become - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition

What We’ve Become

So this is
What we’ve become,
Or have always been
But hid for a while,
A land where
It’s acceptable
To put people down
Because you’re
Scared of change or
Anything that’s different,
A place where
The crushing weight of
Authority imposes
Its will and is welcomed
By far too many.

Acknowledge - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition


It’s far easier to
Say that those living in
Poverty are somehow
Flawed, lazy, deserving
Of their plight, than
To look at oneself
And acknowledge that it’s
One’s own beliefs,
Actions, values,
Contrived moral outrage,
That perpetuate a
System that keeps people
Right where they are.

Unfamiliar - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition


Charting an unsteady course
Home from a party where
He enjoyed twenty too many,
It struck him that he was in an
Unfamiliar house.
Stumbling through rooms,
Desperately trying not
To announce his presence or
Bother anyone,
Maddeningly unable to do
Anything but flounder
Helplessly as he careened
From point to point.
A sad young creature winding
Its way toward a place it
Doesn’t want to be.

Poetry by Guy Farmer