Rare and Valuable Poetry

Rare and Valuable Poetry-Poetry by Guy Farmer

One of the reasons I named this site Poetry by Guy Farmer is that I’ve always felt a little different from most people, like I was writing in a style that deviated from the mainstream.

I refer to my work as rare and valuable poetry because it’s not the same as much of what you read online, it comes from a different, deeper place seldom explored by others. I tend to live in the recesses many others ignore or don’t venture near.

Readers who value minimalist modern poetry understand that a few words can carry a lot of meaning; I write poems that are a framework upon which people can project their own experiences.

I had a reader in New York City say that my poetry is, “Like a landscape that unfolds as one walks through, suggesting new vistas and panoramas.”

Here are some of my rare and valuable poems:

I’d like to thank all the wonderful people who treasure my poems and poetry book.  You’re great. 

Enjoy more of my unique poems:

You can support my work, because poetry matters.

Poetry by Guy Farmer