Advantages - Process Your Anger about the Human Condition


If you’ve grown up with a
Certain set of advantages
It’s natural to not be aware of them,
After all, they were always there,
You could just enjoy what they
Did for you without worrying about why,
Or whether it was fair or not that
They weren’t available to others.
For your fellow human beings
Without those advantages,
The world is a very different place,
One where they may not have access to
The things you did, where they have
To work more to succeed less or
Live under an intractable cloud
Threatening to wash away their dreams.
For those in shadow,
The light looks very different.

You can support my work, because poetry matters.

2 thoughts on “Advantages”

  1. Guy,
    I have read several of your poems and they spoke to me. Some hit me hard and others helped me acknowledge things I had never thought of before. I hope that was your purpose?

    1. Thanks for visiting, Julia. I do hope that people will get something that means something to them out of my poems. Cheers, Guy.

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Poetry by Guy Farmer