Why I Write Poetry

Why I Write Poetry-Poetry by Guy Farmer

People ask my why I write poetry, sometimes with a somewhat puzzled look on their faces. Such is the lot of the poet.

I write poetry because it is who I am at my very core, the manifestation of my authentic self, the one I don’t always show everyone.

I grew up in an environment where I didn’t matter, and certainly didn’t have a voice. It took me many years to find my own path and celebrate my creativity.

I bounced around jobs and career paths that brought me some level of meaning and fulfillment, but something was always missing. I wasn’t paying attention to my inner voice.

My mother died in the early 2000s and that was the catalyst for my poetry career. I realized that life is impermanent and that I needed to follow my muse.

I started writing seriously and discovered that it fulfilled me in wonderful ways. I loved being able to express myself with no limits or rules and share my own voice.

I’m so grateful that I wake up every day and am able to share my particular view of the world with lovely people from all walks of life. As I’ve found out, my voice does matter.

Why do you write poetry?

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Poetry by Guy Farmer